the task given to me when all
the ice had melted was to
welcome the sky people to
the river and to show them
how to fish and how to
build a fire to warm
I moved on and came across
another doctor who did not like
the way I had created the sky
people and so this doctor
turned two of them into rocks
and he picked them up and threw
them into the sky and I
watched the rocks forever
as they never came back
down and the doctor told me
that with gifts comes
punishment for those
who do not listen.
in the past I have walked
into cities that have the
remnants of the sky people
and these poor beings
hang on to the dream of
one day returning home
but they have been punished
and abused by the world
they now live in and they
drink and drink
and smoke and smoke
until the rocks fall.
as I leave this time I
sometimes go into the forest
searching for the spirits
who are only known by
their myths and they become
carved masks and sit
on a wall in a place
that no longer knows
who they were.
and now I am back in the
sky and I look up and see
a rock coming right at me
and it passes through me
and I shudder and cry
as the rock turns into dust
that falls on the city
below and covers the sky people
as they fade to a page in a
history book about a once
great people who lived
on the river
and took fish and built
great fires to warm
the doctor who has now
turned himself
into a rock
and the sky people
throw him
into the river
Joseph Dandurand, "Harmony with all of you". Copyright © 2023 by Joseph Dandurand. Source: CV2/Prairie Fire. Printed by permission of the author.